Google Task Mate App Earn Money Online

Google Task Mate?

It is a task application mobile app in which very small tasks are given, such as recording, transcription, information storage, local directory, etc. But the most advantageous feature of the Google task mate mobile app is that if you complete a task here, you will rather get money, that is, if you can earn money on mobile devices by doing any work.

It's not that India is the first mobile app to make money by working, or that there are many online money making apps in the past, but it is because it was created by Google and can make 100% real money. Is not possible for all other programs.

Depending on the user's location on the Google Task Mate, small tasks are given, such as you may have to submit a voice recording and you may receive $ 1, $ 2 instead or something in English. You will get such tasks by writing and submitting in Hindi.

Google Task Mate Beta App
Google Task Mate Full Guide Beginners 

How To Earn Money On Google Task Mate?

Google will perform simple tasks, such as taking a photo of a nearby store, answering survey questions, translating sentences into local languages ​​into English, and more. There is also an option to skip a task if he / she is not interested in participating. All completed tasks will be checked by the system before the amount is credited to your account.

You must complete the tasks as below, and you will be rewarded with real cash in your bank account. Tasks may vary from person to person based on your profile and interests.

We tell you how you can make money with this rewarding real cash.

Like I said above, this is a task-based mobile app in which you get money to perform small tasks. Here you have the option to work in this way through which you can earn money.

Earn Money Google Task Mate App
Earn Money Google Task Mate App 

Take a picture of store fronts

2. Record spoken sentences

3. Transcribe sentences

4. Check store details

5. Record the sentences shown in the app

6. Answer questions about your preferences

7. Translate sentences from English into your local language

How to join the Google Task Mate APP :

If you go to the play store, search for your taskmate, you get this app from Google and if your phone is compatible for this, you can download it. If you have a Google Task Mate invitation code, you can sign in this way after downloading the app and then earn money by completing the task.

Google Task Mate Referral Code India
Google Task Mate Referral Code

Step 1. Download the Task Mate App.

Step 2. Open the app and select Email.

Step 3. Enter the invitation code and join.

Step 4. Complete the given task and earn money.

Google Task Mate Referral Code India :

The app could not be merged without invitation or referral code, and not all of them are from Google. In this case, if you did not work well with Google Reward and Local Directory, you sent the Google Task Reference Code to only a few users in beta.

Once the test is done successfully and the stable version of Google Task Mate comes on the market, all the users can join it and earn money. But until then, you have to wait, because it's limited to limited users.

Conclusion : 

Friends, hope full information about Google Task Mate Invitation Code India can be found here and if you appear in the list of restricted users, you can earn money by joining it. But if this is not the case then maybe you have to wait until the stable version arrives. If it is publicly available, you will get it. If you have any questions or suggestions, please tell them in the comments.

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